November is all about the "to do's" and the "other do's" list

Ahhh yes – those to do lists.


Don’t they help us to “just get things done” – perfect for the bittiness for most of us, of our days.  Does the list in the picture resonate with you at all?


That thing you don’t want to do.

That thing to pay.

What about that thing you did last week – that needs re-doing?


I’ll bet you can think of some funny ones for yourself too.


Oh I remember one – that thing that keeps being written on a to do list and I can never get round to (let’s just admit – I’m probably never going to get to that one).


One of the elements of what we do in our creative group and that happens in my coaching sessions is the magic of stating out loud and accountability.  It is truly fascinating watching this unfold as clients voice a dream, a love, a wish and make small achievable goals on that path.    As time progresses it is sometimes hard for clients to remember a time when this wasn’t in their lives. It has become such a rhythm to their day and plays a strong part in who they are. They almost giggle remembering how hard that seemed at the beginning to find that time, to know how to start, to take so many steps in fact – that to look back would seem such a giant leap.  It is so easy to forget how far we have come when we have found what we love and woven it into our life routine.  


My wish when making this picture – was for me to take a breath, take a moment (as my 9 year old likes to say in a very funny voice). Ease into the day planning, instead of jumping straight in with the musts. When we focus so much on the musts – what room do we have to think about the “I would actually really like to’s” …the “I wonder if I could possibly’s?”  


Coming to the kitchen table with a nice beverage of your choosing.  Closing your eyes and taking those deeper, more purposeful breaths could really start to form that little first step, that wouldn’t hurt to do, I guess I could, the that seems manageable. Maybe you even get really brave and start finding steps for the “I would love to” …”this would be so fun” “I can’t wait to “ steps as well.  Once you begin this – I’ll bet they will start to come.

Life has to do’s.  

Some of us bemoan these (me)  – some of us attack these head on – some of us drag our feet…

But we all get there in the end.

There isn’t really much escaping those.


There is nothing to say though that we can’t add in daily, another sort of do.

A fun to do, a love to do, a me thing do.  You can add just a small step in today’s …and see what happens from there.  It is too easy to not, to put off, to think another day – but sadly those days do run away really quickly too.

Is there any harm in adding a something to today?

Well now I am really excited wondering what on earth that could be for you.

Oh my I think I have already started mine:

1.     Tidy that corner of the room we cannot see anymore.

2.     Go for a winter swim.

3.     Find out what that smell is – in the fridge.

4.     Doodle time at 7pm



Have fun with your do list this morning.

Have some fun and tag me into any inspired lists you make.