Welcome to 2022 - a new calendar!

Happy New Year gang (we still say that yes?)


Course we do!


I’m actually a sucker for a new year.


I do feel a shedding of the end of the previous.


A super fast shaking of my head with a funny noise like (brrffgggfffbbrr), kind of like a dog shaking snow off from the top of their head or something like that.


A kind of what was that? 


A let’s begin again for this.


I’m not thinking of grand changes, lofty resolutions at all.


I’m just shaking off the weight of the old.


And standing in that new – whatever, however it looks.


I’m ready to go again.


This is the point that I welcome you to your new calendar year.


2022 – we’re talking wisdom, wobbles and everything inbetween.


I mean that is pretty much most things covered!


Don’t know about you, but I can have these amazing moments where it looks like I did have a very respectable plan after all.


Then (usually in quick succession) I have the crushes, the crazy eye look, the what the hell is going on moments, as I wobble my way through life.


And everything inbetween? Well that’s all the life bits I guess.  The thing that happens while you were busy making other plans.  The garbage that goes out once a week, the dishwasher that needs emptying, the bills arriving again, the friend popping in for tea, the walk you really needed, the chance meeting of a someone, the doodle I made, the hug I gave, the really good book I read, the really crap book I read, turning on the fire, worrying about the world, stubbing my toe, relief when hubby walks in the door – all of it and more is the everything in between and as I write this, maybe the everything in between really is the everything.


Now how do I hold onto that?


I don’t.

I just turn up to it again.

I stand here at the opening of the year for it all I guess

…the wisdom, the wobbles and the everything in between.


Want to hold my hand and go together for 2022?