January - is all about the letting go just like Elsa wanted us to

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This morning,


This typical, weekday morning.


Was a magical one.


This month is about the letting go,


the finding of your fun side.


So, I thought this was the perfect morning, 


for me to sit and write to you.




This morning I swam.


I swam in the sea.


The sun rising up 


behind the hills.


Blue sky is coming.


Soft clouds float low.


The water is cool.


Probably 8 degrees.


The outside is cool.


About 1 degree.


I submerge.


I swim.


An eagle flies over-head.


I watch the sun rise as


the blue of the day arrives.


I can feel my body.


I’m not in my head.


I’m alive.


I keep breathing, deeply.


It stops the cold, shock, panic.


It brings calm to the crazy scene.


I am smiling.


I am beaming.


I am laughing.


Here she is.


Here’s that girl.


I hoped she was there.


I set her free, slowly.


There’s no need for rush.



What things have or can you find for yourself?


That help you let go 


And find that fun side again?





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Intro to 2021 - is all about the cozy starts

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First blog post of the year.


The big intro to 2021.


The setting out of goals, hopes, dreams.


Maybe that’s not what 2021 is.


This is my first blog post of the year.


Re-written 4 times already.


Two abandoned.


The other two forced, 


stuffed into a finish.


Nothing flowing.


Nothing rings true.


Nothing is clear.


SO honestly.


Here I sit.


Foggy in the head.


Tired in my bones.


Cat lying beside me.


Propane fireplace on.


Had some soup.


Podcast playing.


Cloudy day.


Rainy day.


I’m warm.


I’m full.


I’m entertained.


I’m here.


No witty words.


No insightful meaning.


Just here.





The inspiration will come.



Are you sitting too?


A little foggy in the brain?


A little tired in your bones.


Not sure how to feel.


Not sure what to wish.


Are you sitting with some cozy,

like me?


Reminding yourself too,


that inspiration will come.


It always does.


We won’t force it.


It’s ok to sit 


and be in that cozy 


that foggy,

that tired.


Just for now.










August - is all about the space for clarity


Howdy August.


This is an interesting August for me as I have NOTHING planned or booked for the whole month and I am sitting on my hands so I don’t fill the space too quickly (which I have a tendency to do).

We are just back from our annual camping trip and it was eye opening to see how happy and easier going my family was. The children were HELPFUL and content to chat and play with each other far more than they ever have (last year was hell for “co-operation”). I was also happy to go on all the traditional trips my husband likes to do at the lake (trail walking day, cliff jumping day, canoe to the neighboring lake day ) when usually I am grumbling about own space, own time and generally snarly and exhausted. NONE of that this year – I was happy to come and didn’t feel the need to collapse in the tent and wish everyone would leave me alone.



I am not worn out with all the usual “summer fun”.

Social activities have been at an all time low – and I think my family is the better for it.

Not my husband sadly – he has been working really hard and I can see the strain on him and his slightly broken body and mood – for that I feel very guilty. However when the children and the wife are in better moods at least he is saved from us!


Now how has some Storie calm helped me creatively?


Well my output is still small – I have yet to finish a picture – but I am gaining some clarity on where I might be heading.


Having a less cluttered, tired brain has given space for some clear cutting of what I am doing and what works best.


Last year I could get as far as telling you I was happy to be your cuppa tea during the chaos of the day.


I am still happy with that thought, but I can put more words to it.


I am your encourager to find your version of a “cuppa tea” in your day.


I am here to tell you, you can do this when your ego keeps saying no.


I am putting out pictures and words that hopefully let you know there is a calm out there if you are feeling lost and getting swept in the negative swirl of now.


I want to support anyone that is trying to connect to that need inside them that the lack of has been causing some of the sadder coping skills we have (believe me I have them!)

My mind has been drifting back recently to a Vancouver Island Parent Conference I went to a couple of years ago.  I had signed up for a “creative thinking within the curriculum” workshop.  

I was so excited to learn where we were heading with encouraging creative thought for students and more personally for my son who has a brilliant mind and is not finding a way at school to tap into that. 


The “ice breaking” question was what is the role of school for our students?


There were lots of terms thrown out from the room:


Critical thought


Social conscience


Core competencies


“helping children connect to the things they love to do” – I called out all inspired.




Total room air vacuum.


Pencil shifting sounds.


After a free energy of scribbling on the whiteboard from the facilitator a hovering – “hmmmmm” he says – he doesn’t REMOTELY want to put it on the list.


I am crushed.


I am soooo embarrassed.


We’re not there Caz.


It isn’t “that” kind of creative thinking.


The workshop continues on about what big corporations are looking for from candidates. 


We’re still chasing that one? I think.


I am hot and flushed – I think it is from a mixture of sadness, shame and anger.  I am really angry – because I see how unchanged our so-called call for creative thought is.  It isn’t creative – it is specific thought they want. If possible all ways of brain thinking combined into one person.  We are asking for the near impossible and what is going to happen to all those poor souls who aren’t these rare breeds?


How are they going to feel connected in the rocky waves of future?


How are they going to build their self-esteem and confidence in just what they are good at?


How can those who don’t yet know, tap into the amazing adventure of finding what they are talented in if they are chasing this rather ridiculous bar we are now setting for students?


We kind of know what happens.


Most of us are doing it ourselves.


That is really what negative coping strategies are all about.


If someone had shown me some of the things that I have found painfully and slowly for myself in these recent years as I have made this my focus, could I have had more years feeling better, feeling more worthy, feeling more anchored?


I am of course the privileged one – the lucky one for sure.


I had the time to pursue.


I had the ability to travel, which lead to my questioning things more of what is important to me. Travelling took me out of my “alright” comfort spot.


I have huge support from my husband.


I have some financial means to take this time.


What of people that don’t have this?


What if we could spend some time in education whispering – wow I love what you’re doing here.  What if we had the time to see the inner dreams and sparks and joys of each child? A lot of what we pursue as joy as an adult, definitely planted it’s seed in our childhood pursuits.  You only have to scrape the surface a little to find it somewhere there, somewhere in a slightly different form.  


There are sooo many talented teachers I know, who often spot that special gift, or encourage through the work of ways gone well, but what if children were given small courses on this tapping, this following your gut idea …what could that bring to the feeling of autonomy to a person?


Would that make an interesting future?


Would that make any social improvements for people, for our communities?


I don’t honestly know – of course I don’t.


But I am enjoying wondering and questioning and hearing from others what they might think.


Because something we all know – is this system isn’t really working.


There are too many lost people in the world.


What if they felt anchored?


How would that look for them?


How would it look for you if you felt lost too?


I know it sounds lofty.


I am sounding naïve – like I did in that room at the creative thinking workshop.


There are reasons Caroline, there are courses in place, there is reality, there is own way, own decisions.


There are for sure.


Yet it keeps coming back to me.


Saying that we could encourage each child to tap into what they love to do was the WORST thing I could have said in a room discussing education.


And that still makes me sad 2 years on.


If you are wondering yourself what you can do?


If you have a nagging inside you that something is missing, something inside you has been untapped or a specific desire that still flares up even as you have grown older and more content with things.  Isn’t that worth pursuing now? A start is a start…and can bring more that you can ever intellectualize without just starting, questioning, musing what you could do.


That is what I have been drawing closer to with the space that has opened up in my calendar. I want to be that naïve, why not voice who holds out a cuppa tea for you and whispers… “I love what you’re doing here.”  Just really because I think it matters…I think it matters for any age.



This one is all about getting out your way and getting on with it.

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“What do you call that thing you do?”


I remember this question word for word.


It came innocently,

but from someone who isn’t,


my audience.


my gang,

my people.


But do I tell myself that?


Of course not.


Off I go down that well trodden road 


(the one with the long winded name) 


Doubt, Defeat, floored self-esteem, attach to negativity, self sabotage Lane.


Have you found yourself on that Lane?


I’ll wave and say hi if I see you, 


as we cross each other’s path. 


Whether I’m on my way home again 


or striding off down,


Hello Suzy!


Hi Caz!


Off down the Lane again?


Yep thought I would, 


be back in 6 months.


Ok see you then.




Isn’t life just a little too short 


for these constant de-railments?


Isn’t life just a little too tumultuous


to keep hopping away from the thing, 


that very thing,

that makes us happy?


DO we have to keep doing this 


Over and over again.


Sometimes we wrap it up in pretty bows.




Over perfection, 


Over complicating.  


I see it so clearly in my friends 


then do exactly the same myself.  


My packaging needs a whole re-do – 


it’s too scrappy. 


I need to re-think this series  - 


it just doesn’t say enough.


I should try new techniques – this is too basic, 


too layered, 


too simple, 


too green, 


too big, too small.


Off I go…Hi Suzy, Hi Caz.


If this new situation of quarantine has taught me anything – it is that we have so little control over outside things and we can give up on our dreams too quickly – because we attached them to things outside of ourselves.


No more.


There’s no reason or benefit.


My name is Caroline Storie.


I make quirky, stitched pictures.


They sometimes come in messy packaging.


I sometimes come in messy packaging.


But I am here.


I REALLY love what I do.


IF you have something you love to do – I LOVE to support you too.




That is what I call 


that thing I do!





December - is all about the setting free

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Well gang, here we are!


Did you ever think you would get there with all those highs and then those lows and then a few meh’s thrown in?


Well you did!


I did too!


We did.


So now is the time to release. 


From wherever you have travelled this year to today.

From whatever you have grown to know, to create, to feel.

From whichever conclusions this 12-month project of crafting creating you have drawn.

Now is the time to let them go.  

Exhale them now into the world – for they are ready as they are…

You are ready, as you are. 

There is no need for more filtering or finicking.

It is the letting go that is going to create the flow.

It is going to allow you to grow more, to learn more, to create more. 

To hold on is to stop, it will stunt the process just when it was gaining momentum.

So however hard, however weird this may feel – set your ideas, your work, your creations free.


Sometimes we fall into the trap after working so hard of calling this our baby.

That to let it go feels too raw, so much invested, too precious.  

I feel this is a mistake as this thinking will halt you – scare you – bring new feelings of anxiety and vulnerability.  

You have to keep your mood as light here as you can.

I know it isn’t easy, but you have to try and be as free, as hippy as your character allows because it is keeping this flow, this lightness, this want to share that will bring far more back to you than you could possibly know right now.


And isn’t this the reason we do this?  Isn’t this why we go through the lows and the mehs…because we are curious, we are curious to know how our dreams and thoughts will really fly in the world…what connections they may have, what feelings they may stir outside of us, outside of our bodies and taking flight of their own accord, out into a welcoming world.


Your creations will find their people – they always do – it is not now for you to worry and fret about them – for they are doing their own thing.  


And you? 

Well you are now free to work on your own thing just a little bit more.


I hope you have enjoyed this weird, wonderful trip with me!  I have and I have learned lots.  Please know that any inspiration or aha’s you may have had along the way are there for me too.  Please don’t think that I got this – my writings are my way of finding what needs to be done and if you have any aha’s of your own to share that have worked for you – I am here to learn more too.  


I so look forward to seeing all your ideas and creations floating past me in this crazy world! I hope you enjoy watching them take flight.


The warmest of wishes 

